Saturday 3 August 2013

Oh no; s/he done it..........

I usually enjoy ABC (Australia) television's Friday night crime shows; most of them British imports.

The current offering Broadchurch is no exception. Slow moving it might be but in true Agatha Christie fashion there are multiple suspicious characters and half way through the series even those with apparently satisfactory alibis wrenched from them like wisdom teeth remain suspect.

My friend Mt, hundreds of kilometres away from me up north in Ballina, emailed after last night's half way mark episode to express frustration that she can't detect the offender, all her earlier choices having apparently been placed in the clear. Jokingly, and in a throwaway line, Mt suggested a minor character to date as the unlikeliest of killers. By coincidence the same thought had occurred to me last night.


I should have left that coincidence alone but stupidly I looked up the program - and said character - in Wikipedia only to find that our jokingly imagined unlikely killer is, shock/horror, the one. What I don't know yet is, why.

Sometimes, surfing the internet is the greatest crime.


  1. Indeed so Victor about checking the internet. I loved Broadchurch when it was shown here a couple of months ago.
    It was wildly popular here and I'm pleased to see that a second series has been commissioned.

  2. Oh. But I can't work out which minor character. Don't tell me.
