Saturday, 28 November 2009

Fairy tales do come can happen to you...

One of the advantages of my mother's dementia is that she is long passed wondering why her son (and only child) hasn't married and provided her with longed for grandchildren. When she remembers who I am, as she did when I visited her this morning, I receive a happy and non-judgemental welcome.

The same cannot be said for my rediscovered aunt who also has dementia but surprisingly good short term memory. Having rediscovered each other after decades of separation my aunt now knows and remembers my single, childless status and has started to badger me about the joys of marriage and parenthood. She doesn't appear to notice the irony of what she is saying to me given that she was thrown out of her own home by her now deceased husband and has been completely cut off by her two children and four grandchildren, apparently for years, not one of whom maintains any contact with her.

Today my aunt told me that each week now she expects that this will be the week when I inform her of my impending marriage and parenthood. When I suggested that I was not likely to be making that lifestyle change now at the age of sixty, my aunt was undeterred informing me that it is never too late.

She must be influenced by Geoffrey Edelsten and Brynne Gordon who in a piece of 'celebrity' gossip disguised as news on television last night breathlessly regaled viewers about their wedding and parenthood plans.

(Geoffrey Edelsten and Brynne Gordon)
God forbid that I should end up like these two.


  1. My father kept at me, mentioning a nice nurse in front of my partner. Never sure why he kept up such a pretence.

  2. I reckon you'd look a lot better in the dress than Brynne Gordon!

  3. What is up with the Oompa Loompa tan? I've seen it on a lot of celebrities/models/wannabes. I'm pretty sure it's of the spray on variety. I can appreciate the desire to avoid sun damage, but this is just ridiculous.
