Wednesday 22 July 2009

You don't say...

I've written before how bemused I get by Da, my co-volunteer at the Day Care Centre, and her strange reactions to events.

In the latest example we were leaving the Centre at shift's end today when we came across a mobile phone which had been dropped on the street and with no-one else in sight. Da's immediate reaction was to inform me that she didn't know to whom the phone belonged.

That wasn't stunning news to me. I wonder why she thought that she might have known the phone's owner?


  1. I am prepared to offer an answer to this doubtless rhetorical question.

    Da had found a mobile phone; she wished to return it to its owner; she didn't know to whom the phone belonged.

    I'm working from memory about previous anecdotes about your fellow volunteers here, but need you really be so surprised that she should have chosen to communicate to you this (to you, at least) hardly stunning news?

    [tag: phatic communication]

  2. Marcellous - I'm probably too tough on her.
