Wednesday 15 July 2009

Step by step, number by number

Today I took my first tentative steps back to my usual volunteer activities by returning to the Day Care Centre. I found myself a little disoriented by unsteadiness but managed to get through my regular chores serving and cleaning up after morning tea and lunch by when it appeared to the manager that I was starting to tire. She suggested that I take on Bingo calling during the afternoon rather than work on the afternoon tea which is what I would usually be doing after lunch.

It proved an interesting change calling bingo numbers for a group of aggressive senior citizens jockeying for the available prizes.

Oh...and I definitely was not dressed like the bingo caller pictured.

Afterwards I rang Ce and cancelled bridge tonight. My day at the Nursing Home had definitely proved sufficient exertion.


  1. I know you claim that you weren't dressed like that today, but that is you in the picture, isn't it? You can tell us... we're all friends here. Good to hear you're on the mend though - just make sure you're rearing to go when I hit Sydney, won't you?

  2. I know you claim that you weren't dressed like that today, but that is you in the picture, isn't it? You can tell us... we're all friends here. Good to hear you're on the mend though - just make sure you're rearing to go when I hit Sydney, won't you?

  3. Bingo calling is easier than clearing up after afternoon tea?

  4. Glad to hear you're feeling better!
