I enjoy attending birthday parties as long as they are not mine. It's not that I don't like having birthdays or getting older. In fact I have been looking forward to reaching 60 and obtaining the senior citizen's status that gives me cheaper transport, movies and all sorts of other concessions for the past couple of years and now that day is only a couple of weeks away.
What I haven't been looking forward to is the prospect of being the subject of celebrations to mark the milestone. I would prefer to pass quietly into senior citizenship and it was my intention to do so without any parties. That was always going to be a forlorn hope given that my longest standing friend Rt, who is a great extrovert, was born on the same day as me and another close friend of many years, Ae, is just three weeks older than us.
For a while Ae and I have vacillated about a party and I had thought we had succeeded in avoiding one but we have caved in under pressure from friends and have compromised by organising a casual get together to celebrate Ae's and my birthday the weekend after next. Rt, who now lives in Queensland, typically unpredictable is organising his own 'surprise' party.
Because of the relatively late notice I have been ringing around inviting guests rather than sending out written invitations which in any event would elevate the get together into something more formal than the casual afternoon both Ae and I want it to be.
Being a person who still has bouts of self doubt I have been relieved by how easy it has been to make these calls and surprised by the high acceptance rate. One downside to telephoning the invitations has been the lengthy conversations I've had with each person leaving me to wonder what on earth I will have left over to talk to them about on the day itself.
Perhaps someone like Mutant with his wide range of discussion topics might come up with some talking points for me. On second thoughts, the only topics Mutant has canvassed that I understand are sex and nudity. I'm not sure they are the small talk I want to engage in at the get together.
Victor, I ought to be offended by that remark, except I'm pleased-as that you think I'm all about sex and nudity, but I should clarify... Sex and public nudity are more my thing. Anyway - I find it hard to believe you could struggle for things to talk about. For starters your world isn't solely based on the automotive industry which opens you up to a wealth of possibilities.
ReplyDeleteAs a regular attendee of film and theatre you've got those topics to run with, if you want to be entirely predictable there is always the current financial nonsense too, plus the usual weather, politics, religion (oh wait... I think you're supposed to avoid some of those).
Of course you could always mention to people that you've jointed a hunting club, have taken up sky-diving, will be hiking across Central Australia and plan on getting a massive 'Darth Maul'-style facial tattoo. That ought to rock a few socks.
Failing that there's always waiters to perve on and my personal favourite... shedding your clothes and going for a merry old streak through the party.
Oh, wait - you were trying to avoid nudity weren't you. I guess I'm not so helpful afterall.
Mmmmm...I never thought of doing a streak if words failed me. Thanks Mutant, I knew I could count on you.
ReplyDeleteI could give you a few tips Victor, but mine WOULD be about sex and nudity, he he...have a great time.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure your birthday celebration will be a blast! We're expecting some pics from the big day!