Hn's place is not one of these water frontage Pittwater properties but a comfortable home two blocks back with just as pleasurable a holiday feel as the more upmarket properties.
There were twelve of us at lunch, each of us contributing something for the feast. Apart from barbecued chicken and sausages and chicken schnitzels there were green salads galore mostly with fruit features; mangoes being the most common. Two tarts, one fruit the other Strawberry, were dessert accompanying coffee and tea afterwards.
The overcast and cool weather evident in the photograph I took above gave way during lunch to sunny moments with the temperature rising to the comfortable low 20s Centigrade.
We lunched out the back looking across at Pittwater (above photograph) and it was the most enjoyable of the lunches I have attended there in some time.
As is our usual practice after lunches at Palm Beach we walked back down to Pittwater for a stroll along the beach. We love checking out the waterfront homes, seeing which is occupied that day and imagining the glamorous lifestyle being pursued in them. Every now and then we are lucky to see Speedo wearing groups of Adonis like men but there were none of those on display yesterday. There was a sole fit looking youngish man swimming long laps parallel to the beach for a while but otherwise the beach was eerily quiet by the time we got down to it. Not so surprising, I suppose, for a Friday afternoon, already after 5pm and rapidly cooling down in the face of fresh breezes.
We spent quite a long time discussing a huge new four level property at the southern end of the beach which is nearing completion. Our 'informed' and unanimous view was that the new building was a monstrosity that none of us would consider purchasing. The fact that none of us is within cooee of being wealthy enough to purchase such a home was left unspoken.
When we returned to Hn's six or seven Lorikeets had arrived in anticipation of being fed. They fluttered around a lot and I had difficulty getting a good picture of them. This photograph was the best of a poor lot. Unfortunately my camera's zoom facility is not the greatest so this picture is grainier than the others.
After another a coffee, it was time for the fifty minutes drive home.
I love Pittwater. so nice and easy ) great life away from the city but not too far...