Tuesday, 24 June 2008


I've been suffering a balance problem for the past week or so. This is not an entirely new sensation since I totally lost all hearing in my right ear a few years back. However the severity and frequency of this disturbing feeling increased noticeably in the past few days.

I started to imagine all types of serious causes including possible brain tumour, so it was with some reluctance that I dragged myself off to the doctor today. As usual he was running late and so imagination had time to run wild. I wasn't sure that I wanted to tell the doctor what I was experiencing out of fear for what he might diagnose as potential causes.

Eventually, I saw the doctor who asked me some questions then poked around to determine the problem. His conclusion? A blockage caused by a build up of ear wax in my right ear. What a let down...and relief!

The doctor seemed surprised that I hadn't noticed something awry simply through hearing difficulties until I reminded him that I am now totally deaf in that ear. "Ah, that will explain it" was his learned response.


  1. Spouse had a similar situation, and the doctor removed a "record breaking" amount of built up ear wax. (Can you say 'Ewwwwww'?)

    Glad you're doing better now.

    Mark :-)

  2. I am glad to hear that it was not as severe as you thought it may have been. Sounds like (no pun intended) a few drops of earwax remover are called for every now and then.

  3. Andrew keeps telling me off for listening to loud music because it's likely to send me deaf.

  4. Mark - seems like its the same for me.

    Afod - you are probasbly correct.

    Evol - listen to him!

  5. We know your pain and are with you.
