Friday 25 August 2017

Light rail musing

I saw a comment from Andrew on James' blog expressing the view that Sydney's new CBD and South East light rail construction appears over engineered. I don't really know what that means but given how knowledgeable Andrew is about light rail I'm sure he must have a valid point.

Driving through Kensington today I was struck by how the trail of light rail track already installed and yet to come meanders all over the place. I would have assumed the track would run more or less down the middle of the street but what is visible wriggles like a snake. Sometimes on the western side of the road then suddenly on the eastern side. In parts the twin tracks are side by side down the centre but then, whilst still somewhat centred, at the UNSW they part as though to allow for a platform to be constructed between them.

At the moment traffic is horrendous wherever the construction is taking place. You would like to think that will change once the system is operational but the meandering appearance of the line makes me wonder.


  1. I'm sure it will all make sense in the end. If it doesn't however...

    1. The way the track is being laid alongside Randwick Racecourse is bewildering to me. I hope it works!

  2. Hopefully it will make sense to other vehicle users once it is completed. From time to time, we see cars here in Melbourne inadvertently drive into the dedicated tram lanes.

    1. I recall that the Gold Coast light rail, which has proved more successful than even the optimists predicted, experienced numerous vehicle incursions in the early days. We don't seem to hear about these incursions anymore. I hope that is because they no longer occur, rather than that their continuation is no longer newsworthy.
