Wednesday 16 May 2012

Walk on by

I've missed posting for a few days mostly because I've been tied up with a number of issues including assisting a mate who is recovering from a hospital procedure and preparing for a house guest arriving this evening with whom I'll be attending sessions of the Sydney Writers Festival 2012 for the remainder of the week.

I'll aim to resume regular posting now.

In the meantime I made an attempt at some more serious exercise, at least in the form of walking, starting last Sunday. I did a circuit of Centennial Park which took me the best part of an hour by proceeding at a steady pace.

Families pushing prams overtook me

I have to admit the 'walk' included a ten minute wait in the queue at the kiosk to purchase a fizzy drink and a lamington. I know, I know; that's not serious enough but I couldn't resist. However I will endeavour to stick at it. Listening to podcasts as I walk certainly helps.


  1. I am pleased to hear you partook of some sustenance after all that exercise. So Sydney has literary events? I am surprised.
