Sunday 6 May 2012

The Lady

'The Lady' is a biographical film of the Burmese democratic political leader Aung San Suu Kyi. I think that the film presumes a degree of knowledge that I must admit I didn't possess but it is an interesting presentation nonetheless.

The film is as much an exploration of Suu's family as it is a political expose. In fact I didn't think the film scratched much below the surface in telling how Suu pursued her political interests. There must be so much more that could have been told. Late in the movie, when Suu is talking to her husband, she refers to her temper and lack of patience, two characteristics notably absent in the film's portrayal of her.

Predictably the film presents a very sympathetic portrait of 'the Lady'. Michelle Yeoh does a fine job in the title role reflecting the dignified public face of Suu's character in her performance.

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