Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Phantom of the Oprah

A certain world famous personality who just happens to be one of the richest women in the world is coming to Australia in December to promote herself  perform in the building pictured, whose name bears an uncanny resemblance to her own, and the Australian taxpayer will be contributing towards the cost.

I'm happy for her fans that some will have the chance to view their idol up close and I accept that the publicity and carefully managed images might help promote economically valuable tourism for Australia but I am in dread of the groveling media coverage that lies ahead.

Madam will no doubt be treated like a divine potentate with much breathless bowing and scraping from a star struck journalistic fraternity.


  1. Hey? What? Taxpayer contributing?

  2. yes Andrew; the visit is partly funded by Tourism Australia (and no doubt others)....

  3. What's more she is bringing 300 from America to be in the audience! Wouldn't any of the locals be good enough????

    ps, home safe over a week now, getting over the jet lag and enjoying the end of summer

  4. There will be locals in the audience, Ian. Apparently a ballot will be held to decide who gets in.

  5. I personally think this woman is highly self-serving, borderline evil and incredibly insincere. Granted she's made it from rags to riches, but now she spends her time making millions off of housewives far less fortunate than her.Urgh.
