Sunday 25 April 2010

All quiet on the blogging front

My life has been fairly quiet for the past few weeks.

In part this is a consequence of my mother's recent death. There is probably a degree of grieving involved as my spirits are a little down - but I'm not out. I suspect, though, that my slow recovery from the two melanoma excisions - and the subsequent infection - are impacting on me. I'm weary of being bandaged up for so long and the discovery this week that part of my excision has opened up and needs a longer period of healing was not welcome.

I have to go back to the Skin and Cancer Foundation and am keeping my fingers crossed that they don't need to insert new stitches.

In the meantime I'm going up to Palm Beach for a quiet and hopefully relaxing day with Ae, Je, Hn and Cn although with Hn's exuberant young Golden Retriever around a quiet day may be too much to expect.

However with this morning's rain and grey skies it is most doubtful that Palm Beach will look like this stock photograph today.


  1. I hope you manage to have a day that you find both peaceful and energising today VIctor. Go gently on yourself. Grief is a draining thing, no matter how well we feel we are coping.
    Take care xx.

  2. Hope it was a good day Victor. Good friends are a wonderful asset.
