Sunday 10 January 2010

It's Complicated

Well, it isn't really...but it is very funny...for old farts like me.

Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin are a divorced couple who start an affair whilst attending their son's graduation. Steve Martin is an architect who is drawn into a menage a trois of sorts.

It's Complicated is life seen through Hollywood eyes. Everyone is impossibly good looking, or at least fashionably interesting looking, except for the unfortunate Martin who has every appearance of being Botoxed to the point where his face has lost all it's flexibility and he displays a permanent look of mild bewilderment.

The Hollywood perspective extends to the lifestyles. Why Streep would require a new kitchen when the one we see is the size of the Palace at Versailles and sufficiently well appointed to feed the hordes at Buckingham Palace for the remainder of the century is a mystery. But it all looks very pretty.

But as I said the movie is very funny, although targetted for older viewers. In what I am sure must be a first for her, Streep has a line about...ahem...semen which is hilarious. (You have to see/hear it in context to get the joke.)

1 comment:

  1. I really want to see this movie. Looks so cute.
