Monday, 25 May 2009

Bachelor Boy

As I write Mt is in the air on the return flight to Ballina and I am a bachelor boy again.

It was good to have company for the past week but having lived solo for so long it is also a relief to have the apartment to myself again. I can resume wandering around as and how I please without frightening the natives with the sight of my dangly bits or whatever else I might have on display.

My longest relationship was with En who had a fixation on my bits. His eyes were forever focused on them around the house and for a while I understood how women felt about men who talk to their breasts.


  1. They must be a particularly impressive set of bits to warrant such a focus.

  2. @ Andrew - I wish they were but I must admit that the most positive thing you could say about my bits is that they are compact.

  3. Personally, I quite like 'bits' and will gawk whenever I'm given the chance!

  4. @ Evol - me too, when they belong to someone else

  5. I find there's always some tension between wanting time and space to oneself and sharing that with (an)other(s) - with or without dangly bits!

  6. I read this in my RSS reader and then opened the post to comment - just to find out that Campbell has already expressed it in almost the same words I wanted to use, so I just second his opinion :-)

  7. That sense of independence with the freedom to do what you want when you want is one thing that will be hard to give up.
