Thursday 5 March 2009

Autumn Lunch

The humidity was missing this morning and the slightest of chills filled the air signalling the approach of Autumn. The sun was still powerful enough though for it to feel very warm sitting on Cs' back deck enjoying pre-meal drinks and savouries as he hosted Ai, Jl, Da and I for a leisurely five hours long lunch.

We moved indoors for lunch where Cs served Lasagna

accompanied by salad and then for dessert, Pavlova.

Typically it didn't occur to me to photograph the healthiest item; the salad.

It was a great afternoon of food, gossip and laughs.


  1. A five hour lunch is seriously decadent. Nice work!

  2. Decadent indeed!

    Btw...I am totally enjoying my visit to your fine city! I think I picked a really great week to escape Melbourne.

  3. Andrew - the best decadence you can have without sex!

    Ad Rad - glad you are enjoying it. I'm hoping to get to Melbourne in the next few months.

  4. Who needs a photo of salad. Its green, end of story. I'll have a helping of that lasagne though and maybe two of pav!

  5. I'm a nerd. I find salads refreshing.

  6. I've just had lunch and yet those photos have both made my mouth water. Mm. Pav.

  7. Yours trult is now quite hungry for lunch. Sounds like a great time was had by all.
