Thursday 19 February 2009

Pedantic woman

Haughty woman (HW) speaking to radio host (RH):

HW - "I object to men saying G'day to ladies."
RH - silence
HW - "Ladies do not like being greeted with G'day."
RH - "I didn't greet you with G'day."
HW - "No, you didn't but ladies don't like being spoken to that way."
RH - silence
HW - "And your earlier speaker referred to the Queen Mary."
RH - "Yes."
HW - "The correct name is Queen Mary 2."
RH - "Yes."
HW - "And he called it a boat."
RH - "Yes."
HW - "It is a ship."
RH - "Yes, it is."

HW - "The Queen Mary 2 is arriving next Thursday at 7am."
RH - "Yes."
HW - "And I am getting up at 4am."
RH - silence
HW - "I have written to the Lord Mayor and the Premier asking them to open the Botanical Gardens gates at 5am."
RH - "Thank you for your call."

Next caller (female) - "That lady referred to the Botanical Gardens. Seeing as she is so concerned about correct language she would be aware that the correct name is Royal Botanic Gardens."

Game, set and match.


  1. Hawwwwwwww, hilarious. That bitch needs a good slappin' can I? Can I pleeeeeeeeease slap some sanity back into her?

  2. That is why I don't listen to those sort of radio shows. I'd be scraming at the moment to shut her face and possibly fling the radion across the room in a fit of rage.

    Hmmm... I'm feeling a bit stressy right now.

  3. Did that really happen? If so, I love it. Fabulous.

  4. Mutant - there were a host of following callers all having a go at her.

    Ben - now, now, calm's only 'talk' radio.

    Travelling - yes, I heard it on the car radio as I drove home from work. I wanted to ram my car into something when that woman was speaking! Ooooohhh, I better calm down too, lol.

  5. Marvellous Victor. Pedants always trip up.

  6. The best way of catching out a pedant is to ask them to pronounce the name of the Danish capital. 9 times out of 10 they'll say "Copen-hargen", to which you can happily respond "oh no, that's an Americanism that derives from the Danny Kaye song. It's an Australian english, and in the UK, the proper pronunciation is Copen-haygen". Trust me, it's a sure way to catch out any pseudo-pedant. The other thing which really annoys pedants is to quote language authorities such as the Standing C'tee on Spoken English which, for a lot of words, now advises either pronunciation of something being acceptable. Pedants hate that.

  7. Andrew - too true.

    James - should have known you'd have the inside oil on the subject.
