Sunday 8 February 2009

actually, occasionally, you know?

I've been switching between four channels providing ongoing coverage of the bush fire tragedy in Victoria this morning.

It seems the nature of these type of 'breaking news' programs that television journalists desperate to keep the viewers' attention for the next big development which never quite seems to come engage in repetitive reporting. The better journalists camouflage this repetition through a wide vocabulary but the less skilled flounder on pet phrases or descriptors that jar after a while.

I've lost count this morning of the number of times I have heard 'actually', 'occasionally' and 'you know'.

You know?


  1. Chanel 9 is the WORST for this sort of journalism. And I use the term "journalism" very loosely there.

  2. Well, actually...

    Same crappy style in US. Gotta have a "live" report even if nothing is going on at the moment.

    Sorry about your weather and the danger in Victoria. Nature is a tricky thing.
