Immediately following the two coldest October days in Sydney for 35 years, the weather today was delightfully mild and sunny for lunch at The Malaya with TyP, TyM and Ry. Jm couldn't make it as he is still recovering from a double hernia operation. It's a sign of our age group that initial greetings included updates on Jm's condition, TyP's recovery from prostate surgery, TyM's dalliance with cancer and my significantly less serious recent sinus infection and bronchitis. Only Ry was symptomless on this occasion although even he, the evergreen slimline man, was complaining that he had gained several kilos since our previous lunch.
The Malaya is in a good location at King Street Wharf with views of the ferry wharves and the the tempting seacraft toing and froing from them. But the best view of all are the waiters who all seem to have been recruited from central casting as actors in between jobs.
Oh, and the food was fine too.
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