Tuesday 28 August 2018

Unexpected rest day

We arrived in Colombo on schedule just before midnight last night and were safely at our hotel around 1am. We arranged to arrive 24 hours ahead of the others on our tour partly to get over the travel but also to meet a prearranged dinner reservation at the highly recommended (by friends) Ministry of Crab Restaurant.

Our plan was to use the extra daytime for personal investigation of Colombo but in the event we discover that our hotel is about 35kms from the centre of Colombo and our naive visions of doing the universal 'Red Bus' city tour dissipated. Never mind, our hotel is a mini resort of sorts and a pleasant way to spend a lazy day.

Glimpses of the inviting pool from my room.

The net covering the balconies apparently is to prevent crows and other wildlife entering guest rooms

The hotel is located on the beach front. I guess the body of water is the Indian Ocean.

My room is on the top floor just to the right of the staircase.

Mb and I will dine tonight at the aforementioned restaurant. Our tour begins in earnest tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the good and useful information. I keep track of your blogs all the time. I want to go out and have a great vacation.
