Tuesday, 18 March 2008

"The web is congregations..."

Every Tuesday the Sydney Morning Herald contains an IT supplement which I browse for items of interest. It is not that I am proficient in IT issues but every now and then I pick up some useful tip in relation to my home PC and internet browsing.

Often I am attracted to an article because of an accompanying photograph of a young IT entrepreneur. Today I was drawn to an article about Charles Forman (pictured) who created a dating website, I'm In Like With You.

The dating site was not of any interest to me but I was taken by a quote of Forman's that "the future of the web is congregations - people having fun with one another." This quote made me think back to reading a blog in January. The blog intrigued me. The author, a much younger man than I, writing in an unexceptional style but with heartfelt honesty expressed frustrations and desires that closely mirrored my own.

His writing inspired me to start my own blog, to record my own unexceptional thoughts and experiences. I doubted that anyone would find my blog interesting let alone become a regular reader. To my surprise and despite the ordinariness of my daily jottings there are a few people now who check out my blog periodically.

Now I have my own list of blogs that I read avidly. I feel a part of a congregation of bloggers battling their frustrations and dreaming their dreams.


  1. I find the "run of the mill" blogs much more enjoyable than the ones that try to be cutting edge, politically aware, etc. It's the slice of life bloggers that attract me, which is why I return here every day. For me, it is in the simple and ordinary that I find the extraordinary, reading blogs about people who live life one day at a time and fill us in on all the "trivial" matters that comprise their daily lives (just as I do.)My blogging buddies (readers and posters) are a special sect of my friendship pool, and I feel like we bond in our own special way. Keep posting and I'll keep reading.

  2. Ditto Breenlantern! Of course your blog's interesting Victor - you're a totally different person to who I am (and every other person in the world), which is why it's so interesting to hear about how you live your life compared to how I live mine. It's awesome that you're now part of the blogosphere!

  3. You summed it up nicely in your final sentence, Victor. I still am in regular contact with the gentleman who got me to start blogging. It was short-lived as I felt I was too negative at the time. Now it's been well over a year and it's therapeutic to see where I was and where I am now. I second the thoughts of breen. Too many times you run into a blogger who just writes to sensationalize and garner attention; keeping their true feelings "at bay." Glad to have you as part of my congregation. :-)
