Thursday, 11 August 2016

Frida, Diego and Archie

A visit to the Art Gallery of New South Wales today to see two exhibitions.

First off we spent time in the Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera exhibition. I had some prior knowledge of Kahlo but none of her husband Rivera. There were probably as many, if not more, photographs and letters on display as actual art pieces but the exhibition was very interesting none the less.

Photograph of Frida Kahlo at work
After some refreshments we moved on to the annual Archibald Prize portraiture exhibition. I didn't fancy much of what was selected as the finalists. Some barely seemed like portraits to me at all. This is an annual complaint. Of those that I could see as being portraits, quite a number failed to capture my impression of the spirit of the subjects. This, of course, is a personal view.

Archibald Prize 2016

I'd recommend seeing Frida and Diego ahead of seeing Archie.

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