Saturday 28 April 2012

Every Breath

(Belvoir St Theatre)

A new Australian play in one act about a family whose members are irresistibly drawn to a young guard employed to monitor their safety.

As the audience departed the auditorium one woman good naturedly asked an usher could she explain the play. It was a fair question and I suspect one that most of us wondered about as 'Every Breath' unfolded. Students of Greek mythology probably got the point earlier but one monologue near the end provided a few clues.

Otherwise words fail me.

Four of the five cast members disrobe during the play and all five engage in sexual activity at various stages.


  1. It's been a bit of a critical cause celebre.

    Have you been following that?

    Had you, before you went?

    Probably I would never have gone to this show, but after I read the SMH review I counted myself positively deterred.

  2. marcellous - we subscribed well before any comment about the play emerged. My companion had warned me about the critical response but I haven't read any of it first hand.
