Thursday, 14 January 2010

Up In The Air

George Clooney spends a lot of his time Up In The Air along with Vera Farmiga, fellow traveller and lover of loyalty and priority schemes. They are joined above the clouds by Anna Kendrick the new 'up and comer' on the block.

This is a bitter sweet tale of interpersonal, familial, workplace and business relationships set in today's world of technology and a 'whatever it takes' attitude.

The movie has a clever script in which self absorbed characters robotically trot out pat statements to sell an unpalatable product. I was reminded of my own long years in Government service where many senior management careers were built entirely on a gift for words and deceptively impressive empty phrases. Anyone who has spent time as a mere functionary in a large bureaucracy will empathise.


  1. When I first saw the title of this post, I thought it was going to be about your legs...... ;p

  2. I really want to see this. I'm getting behind on movies. I need to catch up!

  3. Evol! My hamstrings no longer permit my legs to attain the position you attribute to me.
