Sunday, 2 August 2009

Juggling water

It's not easy trying to do the right thing.

I was in the Broadway Shopping Centre this morning having completed my business in the public toilet and attempting to wash my hands. I pressed the soap dispenser and then turned my attention to the push button tap (faucet; for North Americans). The water would only flow for as long as I applied pressure to the button. Each time I released the button to actually get my soaped up hands under the flowing water and the water stopped flowing.

So there I was like a juggler, sans juggling items, switching my soaped up hands with as much speed as I could muster backwards and forwards between the button and the non existent water flow.

A bit like a mime artist really.


  1. I like the washbasins we get here with foot pedals for the water - easy to use and hygenic too. Fabulous!
