Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Sleepless in Sydney

I couldn't sleep last night. I don't know why. I don't think it was overstimulation from last night's play. It certainly wasn't overstimulation from sex or from anyone sharing my bed as no one was with me last night.

Despite my sleeplessness I felt wide awake when I arrived at the hospital this morning but as soon as I started work I felt the tiredness hit me and I struggled through the day. Thankfully there were a few good looking male patients to provide a more welcome stimulation that helped me along.

Now I'm home again and hoping that tonight I can get a good night's rest.


  1. As boring and tedious as work can be, there is always the distraction of a nice looking guy, or a not so nice looking one who has sex pig stamped on his forehead.

  2. Ditto Andrew. Although, sex pigs usually like to get busy in the mud, and I don't like that sort of dirty.

  3. i haven't been able to sleep lately either. it sucks.

  4. Sorry I missed you while out of town. But I hope you are sleeping well. I have had those episodes at work where I feel like I have run into a brick wall and can't for the life of me keep the eyes open.
